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Global Awareness

We are a community of students interested in business, learning about the world, and connecting with people internationally.


As current students and future international business leaders, exchanging cultures and improving our cultural competency is important to how we do business. 


We learn about the cultural customs, language, and social issues of international regions to better understand our own culture and to understand the commonalities and differences that we share with others. 

Global Awareness

Intellectual - (Learning/Creative)

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” - Frederick Douglass. 


Self education is power and will allow us to get closer to our goals. In addition, when we are more informed on topics, we can make better decisions, thus having more control over our actions. 


All experiences provide lessons to learn from. Learning can begin formally in class (sometimes remotely), informally through experience, or in exchange between peers and others around us. We can find connections between different information to further compliment the formal learning we have received.


When we learn new things we can be creative and expand our comfort zone. 


As international future business leaders, continuous self-education is important to stay informed on global happenings and for personal growth. 


Social - (Relationships & Community)

Relationships and finding community is important for our sense of belonging. Each of our support networks is made up of meaningful relationships with people who we can depend on.


Healthy relationships are built by transparency, empathy, reciprocity, reliability, problem-solving, collaboration, and constructive criticism. 


These qualities can be applied to form strong business partnerships. 


Career Path/Professionalism

Knowing our passions, focusing on our strengths, and acknowledging our weaknesses allows us to plan for the direction of our intended careers. With an open mind, hard work, and consistency, our weaknesses can become our greatest strengths in life.


Many of us seek a new direction and discover new career paths. We can find value in uncertain paths by seeking to improve our skills and to learn something new along the way.


We strive to build our networks and learn from those who work in our prospective career fields. Mentorship is crucial for our self-improvement. Our reputation and professionalism is something we hold high and work to improve as we navigate our careers.

Career Path

Giving Back

Giving back means making the decision to help and support different communities in ways they may need; this could be general funds, housing, advice, or support.


It is important to be aware of the impact we have on the earth, as well as the resources that we use to survive and thrive. We have the ability to have a positive impact on the environment and those around us. 


We can begin by asking: “What causes are important to us? How will the world be better because we are here? What can we do to leave the world a better place than we found it?”

Giving Back


Self-care is how we take action to support and promote your well-being and happiness. 


Health is wealth. We are our greatest investment, therefore maintaining sustainable habits for our mental and physical health will help us in working towards our greatest potential. We have to make sure we are healthy first, in order to manage and lead others well. 


Everyone has a hobby. A hobby is something we live for that makes us come alive. We can take the time to find it and incorporate our passion into our daily lives. 


Personal finance一tracking spending and budgeting habits一is important for maintaining our self-care. It is important to focus on our own personal growth, knowing that financial habits vary from person to person.


We can take actionable steps towards self care, and our aspirations in general, by making SMART goals.



Each person’s purpose is simply knowing who we are and asking why we do what we do. A purpose can also be one’s objective that they aspire for themselves. 


Our purpose keeps us going, allows us to find greater meaning in our everyday tasks, and provides us with the necessary courage to reach our full potential.


One’s purpose or true aspiration can change, sometimes it’s something that’s existed since a young age. Instead of asking what our purpose is, we can ask ourselves: “What is the lifestyle I want to live?”


If you can't find your purpose, try to find your passion first.



Having a close connection to our cultural heritage and spiritual beliefs is important to us. 


Everyone's opinions and lives matter. We all have standards, morals, values, and boundaries. We all come from different backgrounds and upbringings, so it's crucial to have an open mind and common respect when having conversations with others.

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